
I’m an independent illustrator/designer, operating as a sole trader, actively working on positive projects which benefit people and planet.

I aim to operate in a way that is responsible and respectful, and with minimum environmental impact.
I work from a small studio in my home, mainly digitally. I don’t make physical products and not much of my work is printed.

Summary of Environmental Impacts:

Power, Electrical Usage - 100% Renewable

Consumables/Purchase of materials - Local and/or eco suppliers where possible

Waste & Recycling of Materials - I reuse/recycle as much as possible, to minimise waste

Online Subscription Services & Storage - Prioritisation of environmentally conscious options

Website and Email - Green email hosting. Website review in progress

Transportation - Zero commute, and meetings are mostly online

My commitments and considerations towards working in a more sustainable way:

To have a preference for working with purposeful clients whose focus is on making a positive impact for the environment, communities or individual people, OR who have an environmental consciousness integral to what they do.

• To be mindful of the materials and processes I use, and to ensure my business operates in an environmentally-conscious way, ensuring waste is kept to a minimum. Any waste is recycled if possible

• To source and use environmentally-friendly and sustainable products and materials where possible

• To search out local and/or ethical suppliers for any necessary materials or office supplies

• Where the output of projects is to be printed or materialised in any other form,
to consider and prioritise environmentally-friendly options and suppliers, advising clients accordingly.

• To investigate my digital footprint further and look at ways I can improve this. Periodical purges of unnecessary emails & photos etc. Also a review of my website is well overdue.

• To keep a periodic check on all practices and processes to maintain and improve my environmental impact where possible. This will include an annual business/impact review, the first of which can be seen here

• I pledge that 2% of my income, generated through the projects I work on will be donated to charities/organisations which benefit people or planet. These will be selected as feels appropriate, and ideally reflecting the sorts of projects I’m working on at the time.

• To be helpful generally, and willing to share advice and experience-based knowledge with students and early career illustrators. Currently this tends to be in the form of responding to emails I receive from individuals

• To carry out an annual review looking at the impact of my business along with the financial side and other statistics. The first of which can be seen here.

First annual review 2023-2024